History Hasan Basry
Known as the Father of Guerrilla Kalimantan who got the title of National Hero by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 110/KINDERGARTEN Year 2001, dated 3 October 2001.
Hassan Basry was born in Padang Batung, Kandangan June 17, 1923. Education Volkschool Padang Batung 1929-1932, HIS Kandangan 1940-1942, Tsanawiyah Al-Wathaniyah Kandangan 1940-1942, Kweekschool Islam Pondok Modern Gontor Ponorogo 1942-1945, Al Azhar University 1951-1953, American University 1953-1955 and SSKAD Bandung1956.
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