
We started this website in March 2010 with the 30 th Anniversary of National Women’s History Month . The theme of 2010 was “ writing women back into history” . Our initial thrust was to highlight known and many unknown women who have made a significant mark of a professiona international , national, or personal nature . Since that time , we have become a repository for educational content , articles , interviews , podcasts, book reviews and resources related leadership development in a challenging world . also offer links to business ventures that encourage women ’s economic cooperatives and educational outreach . During this journey the founders of this site wrote the booklet “ 40 Tips for Speaking Up , Speaking Out , and Being Heard ” . You can purchase it for yourself or call us at 949- 496 - 8640 for a discount to buy it for you entire staff. Our mission is to create conversations that matter and connections that count for women seeking to exp...